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Music should be part of every child’s life and we aim to encourage enjoyment and understanding of this subject through our sharing in making and listening to music.

A music specialist is employed by the school in order to extend the creative music element of the curriculum. At both Key Stages music is experienced through activities linked to the curriculum. In the life of the school, music plays an important part in our daily sharing in collective worship and in our celebration of major festivals.

The school has an active choir that regularly takes part in community performances.

Violin / Brass Instruments / Recorders

Key Stage 2 pupils are given the opportunity of having tuition to play the violin or Brass instrument.  This is provided by staff who are employed by the LEA’s Music Service. Tuition is charged at a small fee - however the school reserves the right to withdraw instruments and tuition from pupils who do not undertake the required practice or who regularly forget to bring their instruments to school. 

