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Gendros Primary School Vision Statement

Our school values every child and will work to ensure that each child feels proud of who they are and of their achievements. Within this supportive ethos, we will provide a broad, balanced, enriched and thinking curriculum for all our children. We aim to celebrate successes in all areas of school life; motivating the children to become lifelong learners. Each child will be given every opportunity and challenge to achieve their full potential in a happy, secure, family atmosphere and stimulating, vibrant, inclusive environment. We will support each child in meeting their challenges and strive to promote independent learning by providing an environment in which children can learn from their mistakes and build on successes.  Each individual’s self-esteem is recognised as being at the heart of the learning process. Development of the whole child and of their self-confidence and efficacy will be at the core of our aims. We welcome all adults and children and ensure that everyone has equal access to the school and the learning experiences we strive to offer. Tolerance, courtesy and respect will be the hallmarks of excellent personal relationships through the celebration of the dynamic and diverse family of individuals that form Gendros Primary School.

Staff development will ensure a highly developed team that will respond to the challenges of school life with dedication, commitment and professionalism. Staff will feel trusted, valued and respected, emphasising the school as a community of learners on all levels. The team ethos will ensure honest self-evaluation is at the heart of our improvement, which will be accurate and rigorous as a result. All stakeholders will form part of the team which will be inclusive and ensure partnerships between home, school and community are productive in building success for the children. The school will maintain its place at the centre of the community, being viewed with a sense of pride by all who recognise that the future of our community and society at large rests in the investment we make in our children.

The school’s Mission, Vision and Aims form the core values of the school.

Our Aims
Rights Respecting Schools
Healthy Schools
Eco Schools